He is not asking for us to be perfect ,he is just asking us to be present , as I come to you with his words and the understanding that I am not only Gods Chosen vessel I am also a work in progress I am no better, I just answered his calling to do his discipleship and to preach and teach the words HIS words.
I have sacrificed much to get here to help show you the way of the searching, and the lost ones, his chosen children. His love is amazing, and his grace and mercy are beyond earthly comprehension. He will never leave you or forsaken you, just trust in him as I help guide the way. We will get there together for; I will meet wherever you 'are in your journey.
As I pray with you as well as create personal intimate prayers for you, I have been blessed with the gift of discernment. I am an intercessor as well as a prayer warrior, I fast and pray weekly. So, if you like what you hear then welcome to my page, if it is not for you, I am sure there will be something on my fellow brothers and sisters' pages that will intrigue you. Please have a blessed day! As Jesus will lead the way.