Why I choose to put some respect for God's Name, by exposing the enemy's deceptions and lies? Now if you were to ask me what have the last two years of my life looked like I can truly say it has been a ride, Jeremiah 1-5 tells us( Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart;) I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. I decided to step on faith and give God 100% of me, not a perfect woman but God does not expect us to be, Just present.
Here I am a walking and living testimony to God's Grace, and every day I'm more and more on fire to serve him by helping others in need of spiritual manna, as a mouthpiece for Christ.
Right now our Families are in spiritual bondage and need the power of prayer. I am here with the unique gift of being a prophetic prayer intercessor.
Still finding my way I figured we could get there with our different yet similar struggles with spiritual warfare.